Your marketing strategy is where you win the battle for customers. Smart marketing needs to include quality branded products, targeted promotional products, and promotional gifts that show your suppliers, customers and your crew that you value their time – and that you are pleased that they chose you when they were looking to satisfy their needs.
At Image Group, we supply promotional gifts, branded products and promotional products to suit every occasion – and every budget. We love to hear your ideas and find the perfect way of getting your name onto promotional products that enhance your business relationships.
What Are Promotional Products?
Branded products can run the gamut from office supplies to umbrellas and everything in between. When choosing promotional gifts or products to pass along to suppliers, staff, or customers, the idea is to have your branding and logo placed in ways that make your company top of mind when people are shopping.
Types of Promotional Products
Many companies hand out drink bottles, pens and caps, which are excellent options for promotional gifts, branded products and promotional products. If your budget is small, you can lean towards these common choices as tried and true methods for sharing your message and brand.
For a company that wants to make a lasting impression, browsing more top-tier options for your promotional products is a clever strategic move. These might include umbrellas, stylish apparel, or well-made travel accessories.
A recent study revealed that these types of promotional products make between 3000-6000 impressions across their lifetime; this adds up to a smart investment for your advertising dollar.
Benefits of Using Branded Products for Marketing
Promotional gifts, branded products and promotional products work to strategically get your name out there and ensure that when people are looking for the service you provide, your name is the first thing that pops into their heads.
Along with being a cost-effective way to promote your business, you will also make an impression beyond traditional advertising methods. Your brand will be able to work its way into places where your product or service is not usually seen.
Choosing promotional gifts, branded products and promotional products as part of your strategic marketing plan means that all sorts of people will be exposed to your logo.
Consider how far a beautifully constructed all-terrain travel bag or a simple pen might go. This is an intelligent way to get your branding out far beyond the limits of a flyer, a radio spot – or even digital marketing.
When you have a catalogue of quality options to choose from, you can select items to add your band to that will appeal to a wide variety of people. This allows for long-range exposure and increased brand awareness way beyond traditional parameters.
Cost Effectiveness
Along with a great impression rate, promotional gifts, branded products and promotional products lend authenticity to your brand. Being able to escalate validity without spending up large on billboards or television advertising makes for intelligent marketing.
Branded marketing is the gift that keeps on giving, with around 23% of consumers purchasing promotional products annually.
Did you know that spending on items to hand out at trade shows will accelerate traffic to your stall by around 50 per cent?
This presents your sales team with solid gold opportunities to connect – plus, approximately nine out of ten consumers are likely to remember your brand if they receive a free promotional gift!
Long Lasting
Offering a tangible promotional product allows impressions to continue to build over the lifetime of the product. While a branded product keeps doing the rounds in the community with no extra spend from you, you continue to reap long-term benefits off the back of an affordable initial outlay.
Get in Touch
At Image Group, we understand that quality is of the highest importance and that when you put your name on something, it needs to last. That’s why we only partner with the best suppliers, offering everything from torches to first aid kits, corporate compendiums and satchels, sweatshirts, and more.
We specialise in increasing your brand presence and aim to make your potential customers aware and interested in what you offer.
Make an enquiry today and secure real results with the best-branded products, promotional products, and promotional gifts.